Monday, December 7, 2015

The Year 2015

2015 in a nutshell.

The year 2015 started off with a chorus of lovely fireworks, accompanied by good company. I have traveled quite a fair bit for the year as well - Korea, Bangkok and trips to Singapore. Having experienced an end of a relationship during the first quarter of the year, I am glad and fortunate that I have met some of the loveliest people thereafter. It's part and parcel of fate playing its part in life. 

Overall, I would say that 2015 has been a very great year. On track with goals in life, fit and healthy (despite the occasional overeating), closer knit between family members, adorable Kitty is still around, friends are healthy, happy that I own a wonderful place called home, have a lovely housemate, made some really great friends, expended my network, and having a very healthy balance sheet.

For 2016, my resolutions are keeping my goals on track, stay fit and healthy, wishing Kitty will continue be healthy and live to a ripe old age, fostering an even closer relationship with family and friends, continue making new great friends and maintaining a healthy balance sheet. My wishes for 2016 would be: achieving the stated resolutions, may my family and friends stay healthy as ever and Kitty living to a ripe old age.

Looking forward to an awesome and shining new year - bring it on, 2016!