Friday, December 30, 2011

Climbing up the Duomo in Florence

In summer while in Florence, I visited the Duomo a few times. At first it was just the exterior view, then I went in along with my family members, and finally I went up the Dome solo. I guess the idea of climbing up hundreds of flights of did not appeal to mom, dad and my aunts. In fact, it scared them off. Haha.

While I was queueing up to for the tickets and entrance to climb up the Dome, I was like, it should be a piece of cake! I just had a great breakfast at the hotel and I feel so energetic! After paying €8 for the ticket, I went in and started climbing up the stairs.

There were 463 steps -.-"

I had to pause a few times along with the other visitors to catch my breath and to drink water. The smarty pants me brought a big bottle of water cause I anticipated I would be very much dehydrated and needed to drink like a hippopotamus! True enough :) It was an amazing workout. I have never sweated so much no matter how many exercises I've done, which was basically none. It took me 30 minutes to be up on top of Florence.

The interior of the duomo. It's Giorgio Vascari's Last Judgement.

Whilst on the last flight of stairs up, I thought to myself, this better be worth all the climb! 


Here's photos of the spectacular and breathtaking views:

 I spent a good 1 hour on top of the dome - to chill, enjoy the spectacular views and to recharge.


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