Sunday, December 25, 2011

Winter in Bavaria!

 (Jon is missing in the picture)

In December 2009, the 8 of us went to Germany for a week's trip covering places and starting from Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich and a very impromptu trip to Salzburg, Austria!

In Munich... we took a train ride (2 hours aprrox.) to Bavaria, and the main attraction, Neuschwanstein Castle. Upon reaching, we almost turned to ice Popsicle ourselves. Guess the temperature in Bavaria during winter on a considerably warm day for a local Bavarian... -15 degrees celcius! Can't imagine what the temperature would be when it's a cold day for a local Bavarian!

It was too cold to walk up to the mountains, so Pei Ling, Su Wen & I took a carriage up that costs €9.00 for a return journey. Then the rest walked up the mountain and wow... they're amazing!

Here are some pictures (I stole some of Jon's pictures too!) :

Upon reaching, and saw these cute colourful apartments!

Let it snoooooooooooow!

One of the restaurants on the way up

Our carriage up

 More snow!

 Even more snow!

I've never seen so much snow before in my life. I'll show you what I mean... scroll on for more pictures!

 This is the Hohenschwangau Castle and it would be the first castle that you'll see on the way up to the mountains. Do not be mistaken, this is not the Neuschwanstein Castle. 

Neuschwanstein Castle (famously known as the Sleeping Beauty castle)

More of Neuschwanstein Castle:

Us doing the Su Wen Pose!


View across the mountain

For lunch, we went to a nearby restaurant; and to be exact... we just went into the nearest restaurant after walking down the mountain for 15 minutes. Twas freezing coooooooooold! 

A typical Bavarian restaurant. The food was good!

Some of our food... (didn't manage to take a picture of all our food)

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