Friday, December 9, 2011


Was in Siena at the end of July this year. It was a 3 days 2 nights stay at one of the beautiful cities Italy has to offer. I didn't really take much pictures whilst at Siena... I just enjoyed myself walking around being carefree and enjoying what is offered to me. That was when I first fell in love with a city so beautiful and unique. I definitely recommend Siena as a place to go, should you visit Italy in the future.

Food for thought... Siena is one of the world's UNESCO place as well.

Here are a few photos of one of my favourite cities in the Tuscany region:

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The historic centre

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Another view

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Now let's try black & white

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Piazza del Campio

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Me @ Piazza del Campio

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One of the street artists

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Everyone loves to be under the sun in summer!

In a nutshell, I think Siena is a great city to visit. It's very beautiful, very relaxing and it's rich with history!

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