Wednesday, December 7, 2011

London at Night

Once in awhile, I enjoy walking around London at night. By night, I don't mean 12AM or anything too late. Just when the sun is setting or something between 8-9PM.

This is my first time experimenting with HDR. I don't major in photography as evidenced in the photos below haha. Academically, I major in what you would call in simplistic terms; business. More detailed would be management and finance. Ok, let's not get too carried away. It's supposed to be a travel blog, not some academic discussion blog. OK... I will major in photography when I retire in n-years later. Haha.

Was without a tripod and especially with my shaky hands...

We shall see for improvements when I experiment with it after a couple of times in the future. A friend once told me that the pictures are not of focus, ie, not sharp enough, and it doesn't really exhibit the HDR feel and quality cause the ones taken by the professional ones are really different. Fairly noted, hee hee. I shall improve on that, but first I need at least 5-10 years time (I think most likely it'll be 20 yrs with my inconsistency) in order to achieve God-like pictures :D

It was 10 minutes walk from my place to the Houses of Parliament and the rest.

Pictures are taken with a Nikon D90 and Tamron 28-75mm f2.8.

 County Hall next to the London Eye (HDR processed in a smooth effect)

 Westminster Bridge (processed in smooth effect)

 Westminster Pier (processed in painterly effect)

 London Eye (processed in deep effect)

 Big Ben (processed in grunge effect)

 Houses of Parliament (processed in grunge effect)

 Houses of Parliament in black & white effect

 Westminster Bridge (processed in grunge effect)

 Big Ben, close up (processed in grunge effect)

 Then, passing by Trafalgar square before a 1 minute walk back home.

 One of the fountains in front of the National Gallery.

 One of the smaller water fountains

 Another view

 The colour changes from purple to red...

 One of the Christmas exhibits

 The National Gallery

View from the National Gallery.

Congratulations! You have just completed the night walk at London from Westminster Bridge to Trafalgar Square in less than 10 minutes!

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