Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Paris (Part 1)

My first European city that I first step foot to is none other than Paris. Paris, France. Yes! THE Paris. 

I was really excited for the trip. First trip in Europe, first time seeing and holding the actual €560 cash (beats seeing the pictures of the Euro currency any time), first time taking cheap flights (EasyJet) and flying to Paris for less than £150, return! Sadly, it was also the first time that I had such a good  rate from £ to €. The rates subsequently after my Paris trip was not great anymore. With £500, I get less than €540 after that :(

I was really excited about seeing the actual Eiffel Tower, Museums, speaking some basic French, going for French food, going to Paris Disneyland, witness THE Mona Lisa painting, visit The Lourve, Notre Dame... However, I did not succeed in speaking French. 

When asking for directions in English, we got the reply, "oiuunchfey dvhvgse gsdffdrhg asfgfdv dsfhgead htreasfdg". Hahaha. Welcome to the Romantic City! Don't we just love the French culture? Hahaha. However, credits to the guys because they were the ones who asked for directions and us girls would just followed their lead.

Here are photos taken with the Nikon D40x I previously owned:

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A lion/dragon statue nearby the Notre Dame

Saint Michael statue

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Also nearby Notre Dame, The Seine

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Till this date, I love this photo the most because of the meaning and emotions attached to it. This constantly reminds me that humanity still exists afterall...

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Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral

The author and her friends doing the JUMP!

Photos taken inside the Notre Dame Cathedral:

 HAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know what happened :P

 Musee d'Orsay. It's a pity though that we didn't manage to visit this museum. The queue was too long and we were too lazy to queue for it.

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Hotel De La Ville

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Along the streets of Musée d'orsay 

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Statue in front of Musée d'orsay

 Lamb chop with creamy mushroom sauce and hash browns for lunch

 The area where we stayed

 So ecstatic to see something from home! Maggi!


Paris is a very beautiful city (stating the obvious). It's full of history and every building or statue you see has a meaning to it. I am particularly intrigued by the scene at night with the lights. I loved the food, the Christmas/winter atmosphere, places of attraction... make sure you have Paris in your bucket list. It's worth it! :)

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